Tag Archives: Tie-ins
Additional Info About “Don’t Wanna Lie”

News has finally reached official channels as B’z Official Website and Conan-Movie.jp have been updated to report that B’z will indeed serve the theme song for Detective Conan’s 15th theatrial movie called “A Quarter of Silence”. But that is not all: The very same song is going to be the new opening to the anime series as well. Starting April 30th, the song will be the opening theme to Detective Conan on TV.
A release date has yet to be determined, but considering it is going to make an appearance on TV as well, I say we can expect further news in April.
Oh and don’t miss the chance to check out the theatrical trailer which features a small part of “Don’t Wanna Lie”. Just head over to www.conan-movie.jp, click on “Trailer” and select the first one at the top.
B’z “Don’t Wanna Lie” Theme Song For Conan Movie *Update*

Some person on the Japanese bulletin board 2ch leaked the information that B’z will do the theme song to the latest Detective Conan movie “A Quarter of Silence” which will hit theatres on April 16th. The Detective Conan series is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. Here’s the picture that has been posted on 2ch:
The song is called “Don’t wanna lie”. There’s also a message from B’z in the blue box. Unfortunately the resolution of the picture is too low to make out what the text says but someone on 2ch was kind enough to type it up:
“Congratulations to Detective Conan celebrating its 15th anniversary.
We have been offered to produce a song a lot of times for Detective conan. The song is closely related to the movie.
It has been 5 years(*) since our last production for Detective Conan, we have put a lot of enthusiasm into it. It’s a great honour for us.
The song is about the will to not lie to yourself in important situations in life.
Please enjoy “Don’t wanna lie” along with the Detective Conan movie.”
(*) They did “Shoudou” and “Yuruginai Mono Hitotsu” in 2006 for Detective Conan
More information is expected to surface soon. The song should appear in the theatrical version of the trailer which is expected to air in a few days. Also, the announcement, along with details, is expected to be in the next issue of the Shounen Sunday magazine, hitting stores next week on Wednesday.
Here’s a picture of the article in the morning paper:
Stay tuned!
Source: 2ch (Japanese Bulletin Board)
B’z in New Pepsi Nex CM?

Information has surfaced on the Japanese Bulletin Board “2ch” that B’z will be in the next iteration of “Pepsi Nex” commercials. The Pepsi Nex renewal is set to March 1st, which will probably also mark the day when the commercial will be on air. It is unknown whether a new B’z song will be featured in the commercial or not. An official press release is expected for tomorrow. We will keep you updated, of course!
Messages from Tak and Koshi & “Long time no see” as Theme Song

“Long time no see” has been announced as the theme song for the drama show “Salaryman Kintaro 2”, which will start airing on TV Asahi in January, 2010. If you want to check it out, here’s the official homepage: http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/kintaro/
With B’z 17th official studio album “MAGIC” out of the door, Tak and Koshi have put up their messages directed at their fans:
Tak’s Message:
Seriously! It’s MAGIC!!
Koshi’s Message:
This is an album that shows the awesomeness of the band.
It was fun producing it!!
Pump up the volume and listen to it☆
Koshi Inaba

Hey folks!
Looks like “MY LONELY TOWN” is finally out of the bag! But, of course, that doesn’t mean the new album is not gonna hit the end of the year. I’m still confident, that it is going to be released in November. If I’m wrong, feel free to stop by, the cold beer’s on my tab.
By the way, is it just me, or does the new single’s release sound a bit rushed? It’s like they’re shelling out new singles just to be on schedule for something else (a new album?). I mean, did you ever see a B’z single come with a music video of the very same? To me, it appears that B’z just doesn’t have the time for promotion, which would explain the announcement made roughly one month after the Ichibu to Zenbu/DIVE release, as well as the upcoming release in only one month’s time.
Now for the Single itself. As you’ve all read the news and checked out B’z Net Party, there’s not much to say about the single, except that there’s going to be a normal version and a limited version(which comes with a DVD that includes the music video). Retail prices are as listed on my page to the right.
2. Kirei na Namida (Beautiful Tears)
3. Ichibu to Zenbu -Ballad Version-
However, there’s one interesting aspect to note about the single: the cover!
The photo taken there, have you ever wondered what it is, or where it was taken? It is actually a real location in Japan. This place is called Hashima Island, also nicknamed “Battleship Island”(軍艦島; “gunkan jima”) due to it’s unique shape that resembles a battleship. It is a small island off the coast of Nagasaki, and was once used for coal mining out in the sea. By the time petroleum replaced coal in Japan in the 1960s, coal mines were shut down one after another, and now it’s just an unmanned island. It is often called a “ghost island” by the Japanese. Here’s another picture of it:
Taken from wikipedia.org
For more information, you might want to check out:
Hashima Island – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gunkanjima (Warship Island) | Places of Interest | Nagasaki City Tourism Guide
Nagasaki’s Battleship Island | Japan Probe
New Song “PRAY” Announced as Movie Theme

It was announced on the official site earlier today that B’z will be supplying the theme to a new theatrical release in Japan, with their song “PRAY.” The movie entitled “TAJOMARU” stars Oguri Shun in the lead role and is due out in mid-September.
As you may know, PRAY isn’t scheduled for release on the upcoming single Ichibu to Zenbu/DIVE (due out in August) as even a B-side and wasn’t announced as a single, which has lead Japanese fans to speculate it’s from a forthcoming album. How soon that album will arrive is anyone’s guess, but we can always be hopeful it’ll arrive in time for the holidays. Nonetheless, there’s a small sample of the song and movie after the break.