Tag Archives: MAGIC
“B’z SHOP-GYM” Campaign to Promote New DVD and Blu-Ray

B’z latest release “B’z LIVE-GYM 2010 “Ain’t No Magic” at TOKYO DOME” on DVD and Blu-Ray has already topped the Oricon chart, and a massive advertising campaign has been launched.
This morning, two coloured pages featured B’z ads in the Asahi Shinbun (one of Japan’s most renown newspapers), promoting this new release. Also, busses with ads on it could be seen on the streets.
Until August 1st, Tower Records music shops are hosting a corner called “B’z SHOP-GYM”. Both DVD and Blu-Ray are offered with a 15% discount, and you can get a special commemorating seal (in 2 different colours, red and blue) and mini-uchiwas with tour’s logo on it.
In some shops you can also see a scale model of the “flying stage” used during dome tour dates.
photo credit: Q-DICE
Message From B’z Concerning Ain’t no Magic DVD/BD Release

It’s about time. Tomorrow, B’z LIVE-GYM 2010 “Ain’t no Magic” will be officially released in stores in Japan. People who pre-ordered can even grab it already and enjoy it one day before official release. As usual, B’z releases messages directed at their fans one day before release.
Here’s the message:
Finally the great Live-Gym is out on DVD! The good thing about this DVD is that no matter how many times you watch it, you’ll enjoy it!
So feel free to…eagerly enjoy it.
– Koshi Inaba
Please have a look at these wonderful moments in which there are no magical tricks involved!
– Tak Matsumoto
B’z LIVE-GYM 2010 Ain’t no Magic DVD & Blu-ray 07/28 Out!!

B’z finally announced the release of their 2010 tour finale B’z LIVE-GYM 2010 “Ain’t no Magic” at Tokyo Dome. It’s going to be July 28th, 2010. Approximate run time is going to be 151 minutes (over two hours!!). There are no extras included, obviousy because of the DVD that came with MAGIC. As for the set list, see this post: B’z LIVE-GYM 2010 “Ain’t No Magic” Dome Tour Set List.
The price is the same for both editions: 6,300 Yen. You can either grab the 2 DVD set or the Blu-ray set! Don’t hesitate! 😉
Preorder (2 DVD Edition): [CDJapan.co.jp] — [HMV.co.jp]
Preorder (Blu-ray Edition): [CDJapan.co.jp] — [HMV.co.jp]
B’z LIVE-GYM 2010 “Ain’t No Magic” on DVD and Blu-Ray

Right after the tour is over, B’z official website got updated to show a new opening video stating that the live video will hit in both DVD and Blu-Ray (Yes, that’s high-definition B’z!!) flavors soon.
Expect more details in the future.
B’z LIVE-GYM 2010 “Ain’t No Magic” Dome Tour Set List

Hey guys, the dome tour kicked off today and we have the set list. To our disappointment we have to inform you that they didn’t change anything in the set list. However there appears to be a main and a substage so even fans further away from the stage can enjoy B’z.
The set list remains the same as B’z LIVE-GYM 2010 “Ain’t no Magic” Hall Tour Set List.
If there are any changes in the next shows we’ll inform you.
B’z LIVE-GYM 2010 “Ain’t no Magic” Hall Tour Set List

Yep, the tour kicked off today, and the first concert is already over, and here’s the set list for those eager to find out.
SPOILER WARNING: If you plan on attending the LIVE-GYM I suggest you don’t read this as it will probably spoil your fun at the concert.