Tag Archives: BURN -Fumetsu no Face-
“BURN -Fumetsu no Face-” Gets #1 Spot on Oricon Weekly Chart

Well, some of you might have been wondering if BURN -Fumetsu no Face- would make it to #1 on the Oricon weekly chart, since it dropped to #2 on the daily chart in only a few days. You may stop worrying now, as B’z has entered the weekly chart at #1 and have brought the record up to 41-in-a-row.
Check out the top 10 below.
“BURN -Fumetsu no Face-” Gets #1 Spot on Oricon

Just as was expected, on the same day it was released, BURN -Fumetsu no Face- entered the charts in the pole-position. According to Oricon, BURN was sold 32,131 times one day before its official release. Not bad. It was sold 18,639 times on the release day itself. That makes it 50,770 CDs sold on its release.
Just to show you what kind of competition BURN has right now, I’ll post the daily Top 10 Single Ranking for April 16th below.
Check it out.
“BURN -Fumetsu no Face-” on Piano

YouTube user kamedayori has just amazed us here at OFF THE LOCK. A friend passed along this video of BURN being played on piano so well that we just felt we had to post it. Enjoy and congratulations to whoever is playing this: They’re exceptionally good!
Again, great job!
“BURN -Fumetsu no Face-” Release & Official Website Update

Today is the day we have all been waiting for!
A lot of people are already jamming out to the latest release by B’z: BURN -Fumetsu no Face- (BURN ーフメツノフェイスー). It’s their first single of 2008 and their 45th single to date. Keep up the good work, B’z! Will B’z be able to make BURN their 41st consecutive No.1 single? We’ll keep you posted on the state of sales and its rankings on the Oricon charts!
If you’re still undecided and don’t know whether you should buy BURN or not, Jd is already writing up his review for you to enjoy. Stay tuned for that.
Lastly, with BURN being released, the official B’z website has been updated to feature a BURN wallpaper on their special page. Click here to check it out.
B’z Official Website Update: New Messages from Tak & Koshi

The official B’z website has been updated today to include the latest messages from Tak and Koshi concerning their latest release, BURN -Fumetsu no Face-, which is due tomorrow. We translated the messages for you -OFF THE LOCK Style- (going back with that one).
Read on to find out what they had to say.
“BURN -Fumetsu no Face-” Promotional Car Rolling Out in Tokyo?

According to this blog, a promotional car with the BURN -Fumetsu no Face- cover printed on it will roll out in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area on the day the single is released. The entry on the blog further notes that KOSE is also promoting by broadcasting their commercial (which features BURN -Fumetsu no Face-) on TV and showing them on monitors in stores. Nonetheless, it is a rare to see a promotional car being rolled out for publicity purposes. One way or the other, it will offer considerable publicity to KOSE’s new products.
We may get pictures of the car on the day of the release.
Stay tuned for more!
Source: O.NO.RE Vlog