Tag Archives: Be With!
Be With! Vol. 95 Interview Translation

Be With! Vol 95 Cover
After a short hiatus, we are now able to bring you the latest B’z interview to date! The interview was conducted right after their Pepsi PREMIUM LIVE in August last year. This issue covers a lot of behind the scenes information on the band’s debut English album, the involvement of drummer Shane Gaalaas in its production, and the band’s latest plans for their then-upcoming tour, B’z LIVE-GYM 2012 -Into Free-.
You can find the interview in our B’z wiki: http://bzwiki.offthelock.com/Be_With!_Vol._95_(September_2012)
The next issue, Be With! Vol. 96, is expected to ship in the upcoming weeks. The interview will most likely feature Tak and Koshi’s impressions of their North American tour. Look forward to it!
Don’t forget to stay hype.
Be With! Vol. 94 Interview Translation

Be With! Vol 94 Cover
We are sure it’s been a while since you’ve read a full interview with B’z that was exclusive to fanclub members. Keen used to translate bits here and there which would also reveal funny bits about the band. We are striving to do the same. In Be With! Vol. 94 the band talks about their collaboration with Kim Hyun Joong, the release of the LIVE-GYM 2011 DVD and their ongoing collaboration with Pepsi!
You can find the interview in our B’z wiki: http://bzwiki.offthelock.com/Be_With!_Vol._94_(June_2012)
I have received Be With! Vol. 95 yesterday and will start translating the interview soon. The interview in this issue was conducted right after the Pepsi NEX PREMIUM LIVE, so they’re also going to talk about that. Once I’ve done that, I will also translate music video shooting diaries, backstage reports and such. This depends on the issue. I’ll start with volume 95 and work my way through all the older ones.
Stay tuned! And don’t forget to keep the hype going!
B’z Interview Be With! Vol. 081 Official Fanclub Special Issue March 2009

Yep, this is an interview, from the March 2009 issue of the official B’z fanclub magazine. You only get it if you’re a member of B’z PARTY. This is just a rather small part of the interview, but I’ll continue to translate parts of it until I have the whole interview translated. I’ll keep you updated. For now, just enjoy.
Be With! Official Fanclub Magazine Vol. 78 Now Shipping!

Yep, this is it, guys. Be With! Vol. 78 is now getting shipped to B’z PARTY members across Japan. If you also wanna get a copy of this issue, you might wanna try Yahoo! Auctions Japan. There are plenty of those.
This issue contains an interview with Tak and Koshi, where they comment on each song that came with B’z The Best “ULTRA Pleasure”. B’z Net Party member Mameshibaken was so kind to translate it for everybody, so please check it out here: http://xmameshibakenx.web.fc2.com/interview.html
The contents are as follows:
1.B’z INTERVIEW B’z The Best “ULTRA Pleasure” & B’z The Best “ULTRA Treasure” Special
2.RETURN TO Pleasure
Be With! Official Fanclub Magazine Vol. 77 Out!

Today, the official B’z fanclub (B’z PARTY) shipped out the latest issue of the fanclub’s official magazine, “be with!”. It features “TAK’S BIRTHDAY SPECIAL” because, as we all know, Tak’s birthday was on March 27. In addition, there’s a great backstage report from the LIVE-GYM 2008 “ACTION” tour and related tidbits.
As is the case with every issue, there’s a special “FLASH BACK” page devoted to the ongoings of B’z from the olden days. This time, they went with 1998.
If you wish to grab one of these issues, you may want to try getting it from Yahoo! Auctions Japan.
If you aren’t fortunate enough to get your hands on the issue, don’t fret. As soon as I receive mine, I’ll post a detailed report of its contents. Stay tuned.