Tag Archives: Seimei/Still Alive
Tour Goods for Upcoming Festival Appearances Announced

The official B’z website has just posted glimpses of the tour goods that will be on sale for the band’s appearances at RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2017 in EZO on August 5 and ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2017 on August 11. The list leads off with a themed muffler towel and is followed by rubber bands in various colors available at each venue.
B’z SHOWCASE 2017 -B’z In Your Town- in Kanazawa (07.28.2017)

The seventh showing for B’z SHOWCASE 2017 -B’z In Your Town- has come to an end, and this time with an expanded setlist! The total number of songs played is now twenty, with one additional—and familiar—song now being played as part of the encore.
The full setlist is posted below to avoid spoilers for those attending the shows. The tallies for each song have also been updated in full.
New Countdown on Official Site & SHOWCASE 2017 Updates

Yet another mysterious countdown has appeared on the splash page of the official B’z website! This is the seventh to date, with previous countdowns resulting in big announcements such as unveiling “Seimei/Still Alive” and B’z COMPLETE SINGLE BOX. The countdown does not have a definitive end-date yet and cycles through random dates for the time being. Once that changes, expect an update here!
Additionally, the band is currently working their way through B’z SHOWCASE 2017 -B’z In Your Town-. Following our post on the July 22 show in Koshi’s hometown of Tsuyama, the band then headed to Tak’s home place of Toyonaka. The setlist was the same as the previous show and it seems the band will be following through with the previously-reported combinations of hidden gems as far as changes in the selist goes. Should there be a drastic change, we will let you know, but in the meantime you may visit the corresponding B’z Wiki article for full information on the setlist. We will also provide a full tour report following the end of the band’s fall activities.
B’z SHOWCASE 2017 -B’z In Your Town- in Tsuyama (07.22.2017)

B’z Banner in Tsuyama City Hall for SHOWCASE 2017
The fourth showing for B’z SHOWCASE 2017 -B’z In Your Town- has ended. Most notably, the show which took place in Okayama Prefecture’s city of Tsuyama also marks Koshi’s professional return to his hometown. The local government has even strewn a B’z-themed banner to commemorate the occasion inside the local city hall (pictured above). Other banners have been erected around the area, which has led to a great deal of fans using it as a backdrop for pictures.
Tsuyama is best known to B’z fans not only as the hometown of Koshi Inaba but also the location of Inaba Cosmetics, a family business operated by his mother and father for decades. The inside of the store has a large collection of rare and unique B’z memorabilia signed by Koshi. It is also not uncommon for Mother Inaba to take pictures with customers.
Though Tsuyama is in the far west of Japan, many fans use it as a point of pilgrimage when the opportunity arises. The city has likewise long embraced its hometown idol and utilized it to drive tourist activity in the region. In fact, many of the tourist maps and sightseeing locations make mention of Koshi directly. After a typhoon struck Tsuyama in 1998, Koshi donated a large sum of money for disaster relief, which netted him an award from the local municipality.
The full setlist is posted below to avoid spoilers for those attending the shows.
PLEASE NOTE: We initially reported “Samayoeru Aoi Dangan” as the third song in the setlist for this tour. In fact, this song has been the much-less-often-played “Sayonara Kizu Darake no Hibi yo” which had not been played live for six years prior to this tour!
B’z SHOWCASE 2017 Setlist Correction!

Initial reports for B’z SHOWCASE 2017 -B’z In Your Town- mentioned “Samayoeru Aoi Dangan” as the third song in the setlist—in fact, this song has been the much-less-often-played “Sayonara Kizu Darake no Hibi yo“! All posts have been updated to reflect this error and its correction. We apologize for any inconvenience caused in the meantime!
A special thanks goes out to Ultra for ensuring we got it right!
B’z SHOWCASE 2017 -B’z In Your Town- in Fukuyama (07.20.2017)

The third show of B’z SHOWCASE 2017 -B’z In Your Town- has just wrapped up in Fukuyama. The next show coming on July 22 will see Koshi return to his hometown of Tsuyama—an occasion that’s been marked accordingly in the days prior. Full details to follow!
The full setlist is posted below to avoid spoilers for those attending the shows.