Tag Archives: B’z The Best ”ULTRA Treasure”
“Itsuka Mata Koko De” PV Available

A PV for “Itsuka Mata Koko De” has been made available on the B’z 20th Anniversary Special Website. It’s not really a PV, though. It’s more of a compilation of live scenes taken from various concerts (Typhoon No. 15, BUZZ, LIVE RIPPER, to name a few), but it also includes a short scene of the Pleasure 2008 tour, which is just the fireworks at the end of the concert. Guess we’ll all have to wait for that live DVD to come out.
Also, at the end of the video, there are Tak’s and Koshi’s messages attached, expressing their personal feelings for their birthday — and for their fans. The translation will be up on offthelock tomorrow(September 22nd). For now, you’ll gonna have to make do with the PV itself:
“Itsuka Mata Koko De” Sample Available & New Wallpaper

B’z The Best “ULTRA Treasure” has been finally released today, and with it, the sample of “Itsuka Mata Koko De” has been added to the website. If you would like to check it out, click right here:
http://sound.being.co.jp/sound/bmcv-8024/d3-t01.asx (Windows Media)
http://sound.being.co.jp/sound/bmcv-8024/d3-t01.ram (Real Media)
One more important note: “Itsuka Mata Koko De” is going to be the theme song of a new Japanese drama called “Shouni Kyuumei” (“Infant lifesaving”). It is scheduled to start on October 16th at 9 PM(japanese time) on TV Asahi. More information here: http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/kyumei/
Furthermore, a new wallpaper has been added to the “Special Page”. You can check it out here: http://www.bz20th.com/special/index.html
“ULTRA Treasure” Member Messages

New messages from Tak and Koshi have been posted on the Official B’z Website. Of course we have them translated here for you. Thanks go to Mameshibaken who helped me out a bit.
Matsumoto Takahiro’s message:
“ULTRA Treasure”
The second part of the rerecorded series!!
The new song“Glory Days” in addition to “BLOWIN’”.
Also, please enjoy the live video in Zepp Tokyo!!!
And please listen to the other new song “Itsuka Mata Koko De” as well!!!
Inaba Koshi’s message:
The good old songs, of course,
the new recording of BLOWIN’ and the new song “Glory Days”, etc.
present a great variety .
It is a little different from ULTRA Pleasure and also covers the traces of our past 20 years.
Please enjoy it!!
ARIGATO ☆ Inaba Koshi
“Glory Days” Full Version on YouTube

Apparently, Glory Days is also broadcasted by radio stations, and someone was so kind to upload it to YouTube. Thanks also go to Mameshibaken, who linked me to it.
“Glory Days” Sample Now Available

Finally, the sample for Glory Days has been added to the B’z 20th Anniversary Special Website. If you personally can’t wait to go all the way to the website itself, here are the direct links to the sample in both Real Media and Windows Media format.
http://sound.being.co.jp/sound/bmcv-8024/d2-t15.asx (Windows Media)
http://sound.being.co.jp/sound/bmcv-8024/d2-t15.ram (Real Media)
Looks like my thesis has been proven wrong, and Glory Days is not the Ending SE for the arena part of the ACTION tour. Guess we will have to stay tuned for more information.
Also, if you visit the bz20th.com’s front page, you will see one of their TV commercials, which now seems to include Glory Days as background music. Furthermore, Glory Days can now be downloaded by people in Japan for use as ringtone(i.e. Chaku Uta).
“ULTRA Treasure” Samples Now Available

People who would like to check out the new versions that are included in B’z The Best “ULTRA Treasure” can now do so. You can listen to a sample of every song except Glory Days and Itsuka Mata Koko De(Bonus track on 3CD version).
You can listen to the samples on the B’z 20th anniversary website here:
BLOWIN’ -ULTRA Treasure Style- is now available for download as a Chaku Uta(ringtone for mobile phones) on i-mode, EZweb and Yahoo! Keitai.
Furthermore, radio stations in Japan will start broadcasting BLOWIN’ -ULTRA Treasure Style- on August 18th.