OFF THE LOCK moved to a “new” server

Hey there!
If you’re reading this, then your DNS already got updated and you’re looking at OTL on the “new” server!
“New” you ask? Yeah, I added the quotation marks because it’s not really new. I only upgraded my plan to the most recent one which includes an up-to-date OS and a cheaper price. That way, I save 3 Euros a month. Other than that, everything’s the same.
If you encounter any problems, just let me know!
OFF THE LOCK Webmaster
B’z Wiki Now Open For Public!

You all probably remember the idea Jd- and me have come up with a couple of months ago: The B’z Database. Unfortunately, I personally had to drop this idea because I got pretty busy with other stuff I have going on right now, and I wouldn’t be able to do all the programming work alone, anyway.
So, in order to make this all happen nonetheless, I thought it would be a nice idea to just create a wiki for everything B’z. In other words, you’ll be able to contribute content yourself, check out new articles written by others, or just enjoy some translated song lyrics.
Right now, the B’z Wiki doesn’t contain a lot, and it still needs a lot of customization, but if you want to help out, there’s a lot you can do.
Here’s a list of what information you can post:
– Profiles for Tak, Koshi and all the support members
– Explain certain terms (e.g. LIVE-GYM, Showcase)
– Complete Discography (Articles for every album, single and compilation, including solo releases)
– Articles on every LIVE-GYM including set lists
– Articles on every place B’z ever played in
– Articles on every song ever played including lyrics and translation
– Translation of Be With! issues
– Complete Videography (DVD, VHS, LD releases)
– …and a lot more!
So if you really like B’z and would like to help, then immediately help us out by visiting!
OFF THE LOCK Now Running WordPress 2.6

I took down the site in order to update OFF THE LOCK to the latest version of WordPress, just to be up-to-date with the latest security and bug fixes. Not to mention the new features that come with 2.6.
Sorry for the inconveniences caused.
OFF THE LOCK Webmaster
OFF THE LOCK & B´z Net Party URL Changes

As you have probably noticed, I changed a few things. OFF THE LOCK now uses a new URL scheme for pages and posts. But don’t worry, old links should still be valid.
However, if you were linking B’z Net party to, it does not exist anymore. Please update your URLs to as other URLs will not work anymore.
Also, I would like to point out that the B’z Net Party forum member yukari_chan designed the new banner you’re seeing there. Thank you very much!
OFF THE LOCK Webmaster
OFF THE LOCK In Multiple Languages

Perhaps you’ve already noticed the new language bar at the top in the header. Yes, that’s right, you can read the latest B’z news in your own language soon. The only thing is, that I don’t speak every language in the world, so we need people to help us translate it to other languages. If you want to help us, please read the detailed description below.
Your work would involve:
– posting news / translating it from the english page
– keep content up-to-date in your language (Pages, etc.)
– excellent writing skills in your native language(grammar, spelling)
– a decent knowledge of english (to be able to translate the news / communicate with us)
– willing to spend 1-2 hours a week to update the blog
– hanging out in our IRC channel regularly would be a plus
Note: We’ve already got English covered. So you may apply for any other language.
If you want to apply, send me an e-mail in english to arthuro[-at-]offthelock[-dot-]com or you can contact me on IRC: #offthelock @
The subject should be “Off the lock job application” and please include the following info:
– Nickname
– Your native language
– 3 reasons why you want to join our team.
– Where you live(timezone…)
– Age
I hope to hear from you soon!
OFF THE LOCK Webmaster
B’z Database: Coming Soon

We here at OTL have been working on a secret project for quite some time now. With the size of the B’z discography and the mere length of their amazing career, it seems only natural that all of the information pertaining to the band and its success should be gathered in one place. That’s where the B’z Database comes into play.
Read on for more information!