B’z Calendar For Everyone

As you may have noticed, on the right side, there is now the official B’z calendar for everyone. I will take a picture of mine every month and update it accordingly. You can click on the image to view it in full size. I apologize for the bad quality, but I’m sure you still like it since you can finally see it right? 🙂
If you have any advice on properly photographing the calendar… be sure to post them in the comments! I’d love to know how to take better pictures of this. I especially struggle with lighting conditions as I don’t want to use the flash because it will reflect on the calendar, showing a bright spot.
Introducing the B’z Wiki

Hello fellow B’z fans!
On this wonderful autumn day (in Germany, anyway), I want to introduce you to something very special: The B’z Encyclopedia!
Or just call it the “B’z Wiki” since that’s what it is.
In the sidebar you will notice that there is a section “Recent wiki updates” now. That way, you can see if something new has been added or if something has been modified on the wiki. It is simply a convenient way for you to check for project updates.
The goal is to get every single bit of information about B’z into this wiki including song translations, interview translations, trivia, pictures, live reports, fanclub events, et cetera
It is going to be the first ever complete information database on B’z.
However, since there is a LOT of information on B’z, we are going to need your help! So if you want to help us, just post in the comments and we will see what work we can give you! Also state some of the skills you have, such as “Good writing skills in English”, and so on. That way, we will know what kind of work we can assign you to.
Also, if there is something you would like to work on specifically, you can also post this. There’s a bunch of pages that still have not been set up. You can see an overall status of the project by going to the B’z wiki’s main page. Just click the link in the header.
We are especially looking for people who speak Japanese so we can work on song and interview translations!
Site Design Revamped

Hey folks,
as you probably have noticed, the overall look of the design has changed.
This design, however, is not completely done yet. It’s an early alpha version of the final site.
But I would like to get your thoughts/ideas on the new design! So, if you have any ideas or suggestions on what to change, etc. feel free to comment and share your opinion with us!
Things that have yet to be done:
- Adjust styling so it gets properly displayed in Internet Explorer (lol)
- Style the Sidebar
- New footer (current one is not very nice)
- Custom comments display
- Banner: Feel free to create your own custom one! I’d love to add it if it’s good! Dimensions are 998×123 pixel
- Language bar in the top right of the banner (Yes, there’s going to be localized versions of OFF THE LOCK)
Things that I will be working on in the future:
- Tak and Koshi Profile / B’z Profile
- B’z Database
And also, if you encounter any errors, please let me know!
Installed Mobile WordPress App

Hey people,
Nothing to see here, really.
Just testing the wordpress app I installed on my smartphone.
Woo… Looking great so far.
Also, I’m currently working on a mobile version of OTL so everybody can be up to date with B’z on the go.
Server Problems

Apparently there are some problems with the host server, which is why OFF THE LOCK or BNP are sometimes not reachable due to reboots or maintenance of the host system.
I find this annoying as much as you do, but there’s nothing I can do since it’s provider related.
Server Updates and The Like

Hey guys,
you might have noticed some strange things happening to OTL or BNP in particular as I was moving the data from one server to another.
The reason for this is that I have upgraded my server once again. The monthly fee won’t change at all, but now I have 1GB memory, 25GB harddisk space and 5 TB traffic at my disposal. I hope I didn’t mess anything up, and there will be more updates (website/forum related) in the future. Finally I have the time at hand, to fix all the problems that have been around for so long. A good example would be the messed up smiley set on the forums.
On a related note, I have upgraded WordPress to version 2.9, which came out today.
Also, I want to use the chance and announce a project that Jd- and me have been pursuing for some time now: The B’z Wiki
I know, we came up with an idea of building up a huge database about B’z but it didn’t work out in the end because the whole project was just too huge for the two of us to handle. A few months later, I thought that perhaps we could use the MediaWiki software to get the job done, dropped the idea later though because I didn’t have spare time to work on it seriously. Now, that I have some free time, I’d like to introduce you to it, and it’s not completely done yet — not by a long shot. To complete this task, we need your help!
I’ll announce details in a few days, so stay tuned.