B’z Digital Exclusive Single “Sekai wa Anata no Iro ni Naru” Available Now!

Amidst Koshi’s solo efforts and the recent tie-in B’z song announcement「Fukiarenasai」 comes a surprise: 「Sekai wa Anata no Iro ni Naru」 as a digital-only single! This marks the first time a Japanese song by B’z was released exclusively in digital form. The Detective Conan movie theme song and current Detective Conan anime series opening song 「Sekai wa Anata no Iro ni Naru」 is available now on digital music services such as iTunes Japan for 250 Yen.
This release comes at a very strange timing, only allowing us to speculate why B’z have not released this song earlier, if they considered releasing it in digital form. The best time to release the song in digital form was while the movie was fresh in theatres. Instead, they chose to release it to tie it in with the upcoming release of the Detective Conan movie on DVD & Blu-ray originally slated for a October 5th release, but got delayed to October 26th due to production issues. Furthermore, this suggests that 「Sekai wa Anata no Iro ni Naru」 will not be collected on the next B’z album or physical single, and was released in digital form such as to save on marketing efforts and the like.