B’z to Appear at RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2017 in EZO

It has just been revealed that B’z will appear at the RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2017 to be held in Hokkaido at a special outdoor site of the Tarukawa Wharf in Otaru city near Sapporo. The festival is to be held on August 11th and August 12th, 2017. The day B’z is going to be performing will be announced in the near future.
Fans have expected more of the first announcement, but it clearly shows that B’z is gearing up for a couple of live shows this year! As for the CLUB-GYM, dates are probably going to be announced with the B’z PARTY website renewal, which has now been pushed back. The renewed website is now set to go live sometime between mid and end of April. Further information is expected to come with the new Be With! issue coming in the next weeks.
B’z Activity Launch Countdown Started

Just this Monday at noon, officials over at Vermillion Records have updated B’z Official Website to show a countdown instead of the previous “introduction movie”. The countdown is set to reach ZERO this Wednesday, April 5th at noon in Japan. At the same time, further information on upcoming B’z activities should be revealed. Most notably, more light could be shed on the upcoming CLUB-GYM that has been hinted at on the fanclub website B’z PARTY for some time now. The renewed B’z PARTY website is also expected to go live at the same time.
As for information on upcoming singles or a possible album, fans have been speculating if the “01” at the top of the countdown has any meaning as to whether this is the first of several announcements to come. Check back here on Wednesday to not miss a single bit of news on upcoming B’z activities!
B’z Official Website Renewal & CLUB-GYM Hints

In anticipation of upcoming B’z activities, B’z Official Website‘s design has received an overhaul and now features a more modern design language. It is now much easier to view the website on smartphones as well!
The “TOUR/TICKET” link on the renewed website reveals something interesting: It points to “bz-party.com/clubgym/“, which presents a “COMING SOON!!” page. This could mean that B’z will announce a CLUB-GYM soon. The last time B’z conducted a CLUB-GYM tour was in 1989, dubbed “BAD-CLUB-GYM“. However, this time, the tour may actually be a fanclub member exclusive tour. More details will probably be revealed once the renewed B’z PARTY website has gone live.
“Electric Island, Acoustic Sea” Hawaii Show on WOWOW

Tak Matsumoto’s and Daniel Ho’s collaborative tour “Electric Island, Acoustic Sea” is drawing to a close this Sunday, March 19th, at the Blue Note Hawaii. The WOWOW Prime program guide for April has revealed, that the very same channel will — just like INABA/SALAS’ tour — broadcast a show from Tak Matsumoto’s and Daniel Ho’s tour. The show to be broadcast is the tour finale at the Blue Note Hawaii.
The show will be broadcast on WOWOW Prime on Saturday, April 29th, 2017 at 9:30 PM.
Source: WOWOW Program Guide
“CHUBBY GROOVE TOUR 2017” Zepp Tokyo Show on WOWOW

The program guide for WOWOW’s WOWOW Prime channel shows that the Zepp Tokyo show of INABA/SALAS’ tour “CHUBBY GROOVE TOUR 2017” is going to be broadcast on WOWOW Prime on March 25th from 8PM to 10PM. It’ll likely include the full show as the program runs for two hours.
The duo will wrap up their tour tomorrow, Feburary 20th, at the Diamond Hall in Nagoya.
Source: WOWOW Program Guide
Electric Island, Acoustic Sea Out Now & On iTunes Worldwide!

Tak Matsumoto & Daniel Ho’s joint album Electric Island, Acoustic Sea was released in Japan today, and is available worldwide on iTunes as well! The album retails for $11.99 for the entire 12-track album, or $1.29 per track. The release is available on all iTunes storefronts internationally with similar pricing.
For those that missed them, the duo also released additional short music videos for “Island of peace” and “Sunny Tuesday“:
Additionally, we have translated Tak’s release message commemorating the occasion:
The pair will go on tour for Tak Matsumoto & Daniel Ho Live! 2017 -Electric Island, Acoustic Sea- on February 25 in Tokyo and will play their final show a month later on March 19 in Hawaii.