B’z to Appear at RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2017 in EZO

It has just been revealed that B’z will appear at the RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2017 to be held in Hokkaido at a special outdoor site of the Tarukawa Wharf in Otaru city near Sapporo. The festival is to be held on August 11th and August 12th, 2017. The day B’z is going to be performing will be announced in the near future.
Fans have expected more of the first announcement, but it clearly shows that B’z is gearing up for a couple of live shows this year! As for the CLUB-GYM, dates are probably going to be announced with the B’z PARTY website renewal, which has now been pushed back. The renewed website is now set to go live sometime between mid and end of April. Further information is expected to come with the new Be With! issue coming in the next weeks.