B’z To Resume Work In August / Be With! #102 Mailed Out

The latest issue of the B’z fanclub magazine Be With! has been mailed out to fanclub members this week and some have received it already. According to the interview contained in the magazine, B’z will resume work in the middle of August. Furthermore, Shane Gaalaas also seems to be back at work. Maybe he’s cooking up some cool drum tracks for future B’z songs?
We have also been on hiatus, but will soon resume our work on interview translations and the like. And, of course, we’ll bring you the latest interview as soon as possible.
3 responses to “B’z To Resume Work In August / Be With! #102 Mailed Out”
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Err, I am sorry to ask, but is there some translation from B’z With?
Please ,don’t missunderstand this quetion,Tobias.
Maybe I am too curious. Sorry about .
I don’t prever Twitter or facebook, so I don’t know, if you have postet something about on such placeforms(sorry).
Hey, I’m kind of busy right now. (I’m studying abroad in Japan) Hopefully I’ll get to do some new translations soon.
Hey,you are lucky:)).(wish I can be there,too)
Have a nice stay there.
By the way, have you heard about this erruption?
I have seen it on NHK.
It’s terrible,don’t you think so,also it’s nature?
Cheers back ;))