New Horizon Special Campaign Announced

As the release of Tak Matsumoto’s upcoming new solo album 「New Horizon」draws near, details for the previously announced special campaign to tie in with the release have been announced. Every copy of 「New Horizon」will come with a special card that will allow you to take part in a drawing to win one of 300「New Horizon」limited edition vinyl LPs!!
Details on how to participate in the lucky draw will be printed on the card that comes with the CD. We will update you once we get our copy!
8 responses to “New Horizon Special Campaign Announced”
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That’s the first time ever that they release vinyls. One would have expected to see those when Tak started out or when B’z was first formed but nope… it took until 2014 to see vinyls! I guess that vinyls are really getting more popular.
You’d be wrong when you say that this is the first time for B’z and/or Tak to release vinyls. Tak Matsumoto’s early releases such as “Thousand Wave” are available on vinyl. So is B’z debut album and debut single. They are rare though.
Rare? I’ve never seen anything about them before. No information, no nothing. That’s why I said this was the first time ever.
Just take a look here, for example:
CDs are dying, killed by the digital world. But vinyls come back from like the Phoenix!
I am very happy to see Matsumoto on vinyls, even if they will be rare.
Now, it would be great if we could buy Inaba’s works in Europe, as we can do with Matsumoto’s…
That is a HOT cover
You’re a walking B’z encyclopedia, aren’t you?! They have that for their debut album too? I have vinyls for Thousand Wave, B’z debut single & BAD COMMUNICATION. Short of their debut album 🙁
I’m not really a walking B’z encyclopedia 😀 There’s always new information to discover! This is why we started the B’z wiki to collect all available information in one place. And yeah, I have seen someone put up the debut album vinyl on Yahoo! Auctions. There are also vinyls available for Kimi no Naka de Odoritai, BREAK THROUGH and such. Just gotta take a look around Yahoo! Auctions sometime 🙂