B’z And Aerosmith Heat Up QVC Marine Field At Aerosonic Event

Where there is B’z, there are flames and fireworks.
Source: B’z Facebook page
B’z and Aerosmith have heated up about 34,000 rock fans at the QVC Marine Field last night at the two band’s special event called AEROSONIC. B’z kicked off the event by rocking the stage first. The band performed 16 songs with fan favorites such as ultra soul, ZERO and Ichibu to Zenbu among them. After a while, the “main act”—this show was part of their Japan tour—went on stage: Aerosmith! Aerosmith performed 17 songs in total, one of which, Mama Kin, was performed with B’z as guest on stage!

Source: BARKS.jp
It seems that security was not so tight at the event. Therefore a few people were able to film some performances, such as the one where Aerosmith and B’z perform together. Below you will find the video to said performance: