B’z Net Party Closing Down

A couple of readers have been wondering what happened to B’z Net Party ‒ the forum for B’z fans. We’ve been monitoring the activity on B’z Net Party for several months and have come to the conclusion that the forum isn’t really being frequented anymore. Therefore, we decided to shut it off as maintaining it meant a lot of work. For the time being, if you would like to talk to fellow B’z fans, your best option is to participate in our community on Facebook:
We would like to express our gratitude to Keen, who has been running a formidable B’z fansite as well as the original B’z Net Party. Without her, the international B’z community wouldn’t be what it is today. And we believe that a lot of people wouldn’t even know that much about B’z without her site.
7 responses to “B’z Net Party Closing Down”
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Figured as much Tobias… I’m kind of sad seeing the forum go. Good call on mentionning Keen. I’m eternally grateful to her too. I know this much on B’z mostly because of her. If you are reading this by any chance Keen, thank you so much for your dedication!
So am I. We’ll think of something else in the meantime. 🙂
Hi all. Tamashii-chan alerted me of this message. I’m sorry to hear the forum is closing but I understand the reasons behind it. Thank you very much for your lovely mentions of my website. I loved running it when it was alive. I still love B’z but I’ve got so many other priorities in life at the moment to do anything about it.
Hope you will keep the B’z love alive too!! Thank you Off the Lock B’z fans for all the hard work maintaining the forum for B’z fans these past few years. You guys rock!
I was so sad to hear about the closure of B’z Net Party. It was a great run, my friend. My best to you and Q, and the little ones!
Hey Dave. Howdy! We’re all well thanks. I’ll pass your message to Q. Hope all is well with you and yours too.
Yeah it sure was fun. But I got there also because of your and Tom’s love for B’z and also Lady Navigation’s B’z Pleasure. The fans that started it for me were Birgit, M, Q, B2, TJ, you and Irene. Good times were had by all!!
Loved the forum back in the day. Even the new one. Shame though, the last time I checked it there wasn’t even any discussion on the latest tour dvd. Oh well. Not too crazy about discussing on facebook, though. Still, it’s great that this site exists (and continues Keen’s work in a way I suppose).
Yeah, that’s the problem. The forum was dead. So while we’re working on something new, you’ll have to make due with Facebook. This site has been active for almost 5 years and we’ll be here for years to come.