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Larry and Tak Winning Grammy – Filmed From a Different Perspective

Posted on February 17, 2011
Tak Matsumoto News

I’m not sure everyone has noticed, but when Carlton and Matsumoto make their way to the stage, there’s a person behind them holding a camera in his hand. He is probably recording the whole thing. Just take a look at this picture here:

Now… the video filmed by this guy has surfaced on YouTube. It’s now even on Larry Carlton’s official channel, so I guess it is not a problem to post it here. What you can see is, well, Tak Matsumoto’s wife in the kimono Kahori Yamagata designed (see my other post). Just see for yourself:

Message From Inaba About ~en II~ Release

Posted on February 15, 2011
Koshi Inaba News

The heart-warming en II tour is out on DVD now.
When I watch this, I am reminded of the great days with my wonderful friends…
Please enjoy it while drinking tea.
Inaba Koshi

Matsumoto Recording in LA

Posted on February 15, 2011

Yoshimi Yuko tweets that she congatulated Tak Matsumoto for the Grammy Award he received on sunday. Matsumoto then went on and replied: “Thank you. Yesterday has been a long day, but it is a day I will not forget for the rest of my life.” Now here is the important part: “Right now I’m in the middle of recording in our studio in LA”

Looks like B’z is heavily working on a new album for this year. According to a tweet by Masuda Takanobu, the new single should be out during the cherry blossom season, which begins around end of March. Expect some announcements to be made soon!

Via: Yoshimi Yuko’s Twitter

And The Grammy Goes To…

Posted on February 14, 2011
Tak Matsumoto News

…watch for yourself!

The Grammy goes to Take Your Pick – Larry Carlton and Tak Matsumoto!! Congratulations!!

Larry and Tak At The Grammys

Posted on February 13, 2011
Tak Matsumoto News

Right now, the Pre-Telecast Ceremony is running and you can watch it live on Youtube:

Guess who I caught on the red carpet? Larry Carlton and Tak Matsumoto! Matsumoto seemed rather nervous.
Check out the video here:

Kimono For The Grammys

Posted on February 12, 2011
Tak Matsumoto News

One person, namely Kahori Yamagata, was entrusted with designing a kimono for the family members of a Japanese person who has been nominated for the Grammys. Who might that person be? Of course, everyone can figure from these pictures, that it has to be Tak Matsumoto. Any Tak fan would recognize this emblem. The kimono contains platinum features which makes it look really, really great.

One more day to go!!