Matsumoto Recording in LA

Posted on February 15, 2011

Yoshimi Yuko tweets that she congatulated Tak Matsumoto for the Grammy Award he received on sunday. Matsumoto then went on and replied: “Thank you. Yesterday has been a long day, but it is a day I will not forget for the rest of my life.” Now here is the important part: “Right now I’m in the middle of recording in our studio in LA”

Looks like B’z is heavily working on a new album for this year. According to a tweet by Masuda Takanobu, the new single should be out during the cherry blossom season, which begins around end of March. Expect some announcements to be made soon!

Via: Yoshimi Yuko’s Twitter

5 responses to “Matsumoto Recording in LA”

  1. Lum says:

    Cherry blossom season “officially” starts at the end of March… Than they should announce this new single by the next few weeks. I’ve already seen preorders for singles out March, 6th.

    1. Tobias says:

      I know that 😛
      Will fix the article to make it clearer

  2. jmaeshawn says:

    They should release the album on Tak’s birthday on March 27 ^_^

    1. Lum says:

      That would be nice, but it’s on Sunday, and in Japan cds are always released on Wednesday

  3. ak says:

    Can’t wait ! It’s been too long since something new! (well, okay.. not really.. but you know 😉

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