“Time Flies” Lyrics & Translation

Song Title(Japanese): Time Flies
Song Title(Romanized): Time Flies
Song Title(English): Time Flies
Lyrics: Koshi Inaba
Music: Takahiro Matsumoto
Translated by Tobias
(Translation is at the bottom)
(Note: The red text is not part of the official lyrics, but is sung in the song)
>> Jump to the english translation <<
Lyrics (Japanese):
まっくらいトンネルを 歩き続けているような
毎日が続いて ヘコむけど
ボクのせいじゃないと 口に出してしまったら
そこから先には 道はない
自分のせいだと思えばいい そして自分を変えればいい
あっという間に夜が来て 半分かけた月を見る
今日一日なにをした? そんな事考えたくも無い
(Time Flies Time Flies)
じんわり 確実に 今日も宇宙はふくらんで
キミとの間も 離れてゆく
がっかりしてるに決まっている 勝手に想い さらに離れる
あっという間に陽が昇り あんまり眠れたような気がしない
できる事は全部やった 無理やりそう思いたいだけ
(Oh yeah)ボクは誰だ? どんなやつ? まだ学べることあるだろう
キミは誰だ? どんなのが好き? 世の中知らないことだらけ
(Time Flies Time Flies)
(Oh yeah)
楽なことだけしたいのなら それなりにだれか笑わせて
あっという間に命など 燃え尽きてしまうというのに
様子ばかりうかがって すべてが相手と運まかせ
(Oh yeah)あっという間に陽が昇り あんまり眠れたような気がしない(Oh 眠れない)
ただ呆然と失うのはイヤ ボクはもっとキミを知りたい
Lyrics (Romaji):
makkurai tonneru wo aruki tsuzuketeiru you na
mainichi ga tsuzuite hekomu kedo
boku no sei ja nai to kuchi ni dashiteshimattara
soko kara saki ni ha michi ha nai
jibun no sei da to omoeba ii soshite jibun wo kaereba ii
attoiu ma ni yoru ga kite hanbun kaketa tsuki wo miru
kyou ichi nichi nani wo shita? Sonna koto kangaetaku mo nai
(Time Flies Time Flies)
jinwari kakujitsu ni kyou mo uchuu ha fukurande
kimi to no aida mo hanareteyuku
gakkari shiteru ni kimatteiru katte ni omoi sara ni hanareru
attoiu ma ni hi ga nobori anmari nemureta you na ki ga shinai
dekiru koto ha zenbu yatta muri yari sou omoitai dake
(Oh yeah) boku ha dare da? donna yatsu? mada manaberu koto aru darou
kimi ha dare da? donna no ga suki? yo no naka shiranai koto darake
(Time Flies Time Flies)
(Oh yeah)
raku na koto dake shitai no nara sore nari ni dare ka warawasete
attoiu ma ni inochi nado moetsukiteshimau to iu no ni
yousu bakari ukagatte subete ga aite to unmakase
(Oh yeah) attoiu ma ni hi ga nobori anmari nemureta you na ki ga shinai (Oh nemurenai)
tada bouzen to ushinai no ha iya boku ha motto kimi wo shiritai
Lyrics (English):
Just like walking through an endless pitch-black tunnel
Every day comes and passes, leaving me depressed
If I claim that all of this is no fault of mine,
There’s never gonna be a way out
I should accept that I’m in the wrong, and set out to change myself
Suddenly, the night comes, and I find myself looking to that crescent moon
What is it that I’ve done today? I’d rather not think about it
(Time Flies, Time Flies)
Today, I’m making an effort to knowingly broaden my horizons
And drift away from you
It’s obvious you’re disappointed with my leaving you so suddenly
Suddenly, another day arrives, and I’m not getting that feeling that I’ve slept lately
Just want to force myself into thinking that I did everything I could.
(Oh yeah) Who am I? What kind of person? There’s so much left for me to learn
Who are you? What do you like? So much that I don’t yet know about this world
(Time Flies, Time Flies)
(Oh yeah)
If all you want is pleasantries, have at it, and let people laugh at you
Suddenly, life comes to an end in an instant
I await better times, and hope it’ll all go well with my partner
(Oh yeah) Before you see it, another day rises and I don’t seem to have the feeling that I’ve slept lately (Oh I can’t sleep)
I merely loathe losing my confusion, and only want to get to know you better
“Freedom Train” Lyrics & Translation

Song Title(Japanese): Freedom Train
Song Title(Romanized): Freedom Train
Song Title(English): Freedom Train
Lyrics: Koshi Inaba
Music: Takahiro Matsumoto
Translated by Tobias
(Translation is at the bottom)
(Note: The red text is not part of the official lyrics, but is sung in the song)
>> Jump to the english translation <<
Lyrics (Japanese):
(We’re on the Freedom Train)
そんな誤解してるから 簡単にうろたえる
さぁまた出発の時間だ どうする?
引き返さない 急に止まれない
We’re on the Freedom Train 心決めたら
吹き飛んでゆく 涙も声も
You’re on the Freedom Train ただ一度きり
考え込んだって構わない 君の自由
行き先を選ぶこと それは君の責務(つとめ)
不満なら降りればいい スピードが鈍るからね(Oh, yeah)
引き返さない 急に止まれない
We’re on the Freedom Train 心決めたら
純な想いだけ 燃やしながら
You’re on the Freedom Train 終点だけめざす
あれもこれもって そんなのどっちつかず
We’re on the Freedom Train みんな逃げてくよ
恨んじゃいけない 妬んじゃいけない
You’re on the Freedom Train 潔く走れ
(みなさん! 何かにつけて自由自由って言いますけど)(Set me free!)
(別に自由はあなただけのものでも、楽なものでもありませんよ!)(Set me free!)
引き返さない 急に止まれない
We’re on the Freedom Train 心決めたら
吹き飛んでゆく 涙も声も
You’re on the Freedom Train ただ一度きり
We’re on the Freedom Train 自分の中にある
You’re on the Freedom Train(Uh!)それこそが自由
Lyrics (Romaji):
(We’re on the Freedom Train)
subete omoidoori ni naru no ga jiyuu
sonna gokai shiteru kara kantan ni urotaeru
saa mata shuppatsu no jikan da dou suru?
hikikaesanai kyuu ni tomarenai
We’re on the Freedom Train kokoro kimetara
fukitondeyuku namida mo koe mo
You’re on the Freedom Train tada ichido kiri
kangaekonda tte kamawanai kimi no jiyuu
iki saki wo erabu koto sore ha kimi no tsutome
fuman nara orireba ii supiido ga niburu kara ne (Oh yeah)
hikikaesanai kyuu ni tomarenai
We’re on the Freedom Train kokoro kimetara
jun na omoi dake moyashinagara
You’re on the Freedom Train shuuten dake mezasu
are mo kore mo tte sonna no docchi tsukazu
We’re on the Freedom Train minna nigeteku yo
uran ja ikenai netan ja ikenai
You’re on the Freedom Train isagiyoku hashire
(minasan! Nani ka ni tsukete jiyuu jiyuu tte iimasu kedo)(Set me free!)
(betsu ni jiyuu ha anata dake no mono demo, raku na mono demo arimasen yo!)(Set me free!)
(jiyuu he no machi ha toki toshite nagaku, sabishiku, soshite kewashii mono desu!)
hikikaesanai kyuu ni tomarenai
We’re on the Freedom Train kokoro kimetara
fukitondeyuku namida mo koe mo
You’re on the Freedom Train tada ichido kiri
shiawase ha doko ni mo ochiteinai
We’re on the Freedom Train jibun no naka ni aru
eranda reeru no ue ni shika nai mono
You’re on the Freedom Train (Uh!) sore koso ga jiyuu
(We’re on the Freedom Train)
Freedom is everything, manifesting in just the way you imagined
You’re misunderstanding, making a habit of losing your temper with ease
It’s departure time again, what do you plan to do?
There’s no turning back, we can’t make a sudden stop
We’re on the Freedom Train, If you make up your mind
We’ll disappear with our voices and tears in hand
You’re on the Freedom Train just once
I don’t mind your contemplation, it’s your own freedom
It’s your call to choose whether to take those forward steps
If you’re unsatisfied, now’s the time to get off while the speed is on the decline (Oh, yeah)
There’s no turning back, we can’t make a sudden stop
We’re on the Freedom Train, If you make up your mind
While only pure memories illuminate themselves
You’re on the Freedom Train, you’ll only wake up at end of the line
Not understanding this or that
We’re on the Freedom Train, Everybody’s on the run
You have to accuse, have to be jealous
You’re on the Freedom Train, Run bravely
(Everyone! You call it freedom if you’re talking about something associated with freedom, but–)(Set me free!)
(Even though freedom is in your possession, it doesn’t mean that it’ll always be pleasant!)(Set me free!)
(The path to freedom is long in terms of time, and painful, and it’s demanding!)
There’s no turning back, we can’t make a sudden stop
We’re on the Freedom Train, If you make up your mind
We’ll disappear with our voices and tears in hand
You’re on the Freedom Train just once
Happiness doesn’t come from anywhere
We’re on the Freedom Train, It’s inside of you
The things that lie ahead on the rail that only you’ve chosen
You’re on the Freedom Train (Uh!) That’s freedom
Messages from Tak and Koshi & “Long time no see” as Theme Song

“Long time no see” has been announced as the theme song for the drama show “Salaryman Kintaro 2”, which will start airing on TV Asahi in January, 2010. If you want to check it out, here’s the official homepage: http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/kintaro/
With B’z 17th official studio album “MAGIC” out of the door, Tak and Koshi have put up their messages directed at their fans:
Tak’s Message:
Seriously! It’s MAGIC!!
Koshi’s Message:
This is an album that shows the awesomeness of the band.
It was fun producing it!!
Pump up the volume and listen to it☆
Koshi Inaba
Koshi Inaba Working on New Solo Project?

I must say, I really love the way Stevie Salas posts his news updates on his website. You really get to know what he’s been up to. In an update dated November 15th, Koshi Inaba is mentioned. He apparently flew out to L.A. to record 6 new songs with Stevie Salas for his new solo CD.
We should see the official update in a few days, I guess.
See the news update from Stevie Salas’ website here:
sorry for the LONG delay between blogs but i have not had a day off in two years!!!
i have not surfed since jan in costa rica and once again i have well over 150 thousand miles traveled in the air ….uggggg
since i landed in the states from germany to rock the nammy’s sept 27th i have been knee deep into my music directing gig with american idols kris allen , adam lambert and allison iraheta and doing three at once is madness!!! no sleep BUT the music is fantastic and the bands are awesome….loads of things goin on like me and kris allen playing football on the miami dolphins field before the dolphin saints game as well as kris killin it last night on conan o’brian OR gettin to arrange the massive adam lambert debut at the american music awards coming nov 22nd….me and adam went to the studio of the david bowie piano legend mike garson who is my hero ( been with bowie since the ziggy years) creating a show intro and watching him play with adam singing together was such a musical treat…so watch the american music awards cuz its gonna be HUGE!! and later that night allison iraheta who is the most awesome chick rocker of life took the clippers while i was getting my hair cut in her studio and buzzed a slice out of my eyebrow…i have a great photo perhaps you will see it one day……ALSO in between all this the mighty koshi ianaba from the japan super group bz flew to LA and we recorded 6 new tracks for his solo cd and his new stuff is on point!!
ARBOR LIVE!!! was picked up for a 2nd season and also now signed with tv giants tri con…… we will be shooting soon in canada starting right after i host this years canadian aboriginal awards dinner in hamilton onterio nov. 26th and last but not least GET READY FOR MY NEW I PHONE GUITAR GAME APP THAT WILL BE OUT IN DEC….ROCKSTAR SOLOS
ok more after i finish in new york in dec…
B’z LIVE-GYM 2010 “Ain’t no Magic” Logo & Support Members announced

The tour logo has been posted on B’z Official Website today:
I hope you all like it as much as I do. I think it’s very original. Furthermore, support members have been announced along with revealing the logo:
Masuda Takanobu — Keyboards
Barry Sparks — Bass
Shane Gaalaas — Drums
Ohta Shinichiro and Akihito Tokunaga are not on the dream team this time.
Slash Interview on Koshi & SAHARA

Just the other day, and with the release of his first solo single impending, Slash did a TV interview to promote it. Given that it was for a Japanese story, the focus was obviously on his collaboration with Koshi and how it went and came about. Running at just under three minutes, it’s nice to see more and more Western artists taking notice of Tak & Koshi’s work.
You can view the interview in full here on YouTube.
Update(11/8/2009): The video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by the TV channel, so I’ve put it right up on our servers for you to enjoy.
As was noted before, look forward to SAHARA’s release on November 11th as a Japan-exclusive single (which shouldn’t stop you from importing it, of course!).