Server Updates and The Like

Hey guys,
you might have noticed some strange things happening to OTL or BNP in particular as I was moving the data from one server to another.
The reason for this is that I have upgraded my server once again. The monthly fee won’t change at all, but now I have 1GB memory, 25GB harddisk space and 5 TB traffic at my disposal. I hope I didn’t mess anything up, and there will be more updates (website/forum related) in the future. Finally I have the time at hand, to fix all the problems that have been around for so long. A good example would be the messed up smiley set on the forums.
On a related note, I have upgraded WordPress to version 2.9, which came out today.
Also, I want to use the chance and announce a project that Jd- and me have been pursuing for some time now: The B’z Wiki
I know, we came up with an idea of building up a huge database about B’z but it didn’t work out in the end because the whole project was just too huge for the two of us to handle. A few months later, I thought that perhaps we could use the MediaWiki software to get the job done, dropped the idea later though because I didn’t have spare time to work on it seriously. Now, that I have some free time, I’d like to introduce you to it, and it’s not completely done yet — not by a long shot. To complete this task, we need your help!
I’ll announce details in a few days, so stay tuned.