And The Grammy Goes To…
Posted on February 14, 2011
Tak Matsumoto News

…watch for yourself!
The Grammy goes to Take Your Pick – Larry Carlton and Tak Matsumoto!! Congratulations!!
6 responses to “And The Grammy Goes To…”
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Fantastic! This can only be a dream, oh my God is very exciting, congratulations to them, they were more than deserving who succeeded in launching a masterpiece disk
Bravo ! Bravo ! Bravo ! Thank you Tak and Larry!!
watch this live and scream(no my mother is mad because she can’t sleep this night)
Larry-san was obviously used to being in the big stage. Tak-san looked a bit overwhelmed (first-time Grammy and hopefully not the last!) but kept his speech short and sweet. Omedetou gozaimasu to both guitarists!
Yeah, Carlton has won 3 Grammys before. So this one is his fourth. I like the way he takes care of Tak. He speaks highly of him and then introduces him to the audience. Carlton tried to make him feel comfortable as much as possible.